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Is the low FODMAP diet the best diet for IBS?

Published: December 18, 2024 by Anna-Kaisa Manolova

The low FODMAP diet is a relatively well researched diet for IBS. Studies show that the low FODMAP diet can ease symptoms in about 2/3 of cases in varying degrees (1). But that’s just it – this diet is not a true treatment for IBS as it can only manage symptoms and not the cause of IBS. But more on that later.

foods low in FODMAPs

The idea behind the diet is that FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols), which are naturally more difficult for the body to digest, are minimized in the diet and then brought back one FODMAP group at a time. This is because you want to only avoid those FODMAP groups that trigger symptoms – it’s not usual that all FODMAP groups are the problem. Because these fibers don’t digest well, they attract water into the intestines and are fermented (digested) by your gut microbes, both of which can cause bloating, discomfort and potentially diarrhea/constipation. 

The thing is, this happens to everyone eating FODMAPs, especially in large amounts. The reason why people with IBS so often find these fibers problematic is that they have visceral hypersensitivity - they feel everything going on the intestines more strongly. Even normal things in the gut can cause bloating and pain, when normally you wouldn’t feel anything at all. 

It’s important to know that FODMAPs are not bad for you. They feed the healthy gut bacteria in the large intestine, which is actually very good for your health. Avoiding FODMAPs gives the gut bacteria less food to process, which reduces their gas production and in turn gut symptoms. Unfortunately, studies have noticed that some beneficial bacteria species are reduced on the low FODMAP diet probably for this reason. 

This is one reason I’m not the biggest fan of the diet. Other reasons are:

What you eat is highly important for gut health, of course, but to me, going on the low FODMAP diet is not the best way to go, especially not as the first thing to try. Chances are I’d still recommend some individualized diet changes, but nothing too drastic to avoid the above problems. In addition, focusing on the root cause will be vital to get real IBS symptom improvement. 

gut-brain axis is at the heart of IBS management

How do you do that? You need to think about yourself as a whole – everything that is going on in your life and your body is affecting everything else. It’s not just about food. 

My best advice? Get in touch with me to see what might be the most important diet and lifestyle changes for you. Book your free session here.

Or, if you prefer to work on your own, I have the perfect self-care program for you: IBSwise. It goes over everything worthy of knowing about IBS, with many tools that you can try right away to ease your symptoms – tools that focus on mending the gut-brain communication to achieve real results. It’s an awesome program and I highly recommend it. The price is going up on 1/1/2025, so get enrolled now! 

You can get started on calming the real problem behind IBS by practicing a breathing exercise like box breathing at least once daily. Go to Instagram to my account @ibsandstressdietitian and find there a short instructional video on box breathing pinned at the top of my posts. My clients are benefiting so much from practicing breathing exercises, so this tip is my gift to you. 

Wishing you all the best,


Anna-Kaisa Manolova working outdoors with her laptop and smiling

PS. Did you get my free “5 Easy Ways to Beat the Bloat” ebook? If not, go here to get it!


  1. Manning LP, Yao CK, Biesiekierski JR. Therapy of IBS: Is a Low FODMAP Diet the Answer? Front Psychiatry. 2020 Aug 31;11:865. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00865. PMID: 33110411; PMCID: PMC7488954.

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