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The Carnivore Diet: A High-Protein, Low-Carb Approach to IBS Relief?

Published: November 20, 2024 by Anna-Kaisa Manolova

I’ve recently noticed a diet that is trending – the carnivore diet – not just among people in general, but also among people with IBS. Being a dietitian makes me very interested in all diets, but I must say this takes the cake. This diet seems to be completely counterintuitive, as it goes against all dietary guidelines out there, so why do people try it anyway?

It's because some people who follow the carnivore diet report feeling much better after switching. They feel more energetic and lighter than before. They report that their IBS symptoms get better, even disappear in some cases. As a registered dietitian, this is hard hard for me to believe, so let’s dig in and see what is going on here.

No vegetables on the carnivore diet

The Carnivore Diet: A Closer Look

Let’s first find out what this diet is. This diet is almost exactly as it sounds: it is all meat, fish and chicken. You are also allowed a little bit of cheese, heavy cream and eggs. Fat sources are lard and tallow, although some allow plant oils in the diet also. You can drink unsweetened coffee and tea and add spices that contain no carbs. 

Basically, this diet is an extremely low carbohydrate diet, very high in protein, and high in fat. It is not possible to get all the nutrients your body needs from this diet, especially vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin K and calcium, unless you include a variety of organ meats in your diet every day, like liver, kidney, and brain. For omega-3 fatty acids, it’s important to eat fatty fish, like salmon. Unless you drink coffee or tea, this diet contains hardly any antioxidants - these are highly beneficial for your health as they fight free radicals that damage your tissues. Animal foods contain no fiber that are needed to support the health of the gut microbiota. 

To sum up, the carnivore diet is a highly restrictive eating plan that consists of 99% animal-based foods and carries with it a high risk of malnutrition. It’s not a diet that any dietitian or doctor can recommend to be followed. How is it possible then, to feel better with this diet?

Why you might feel better

There are no objective studies done, so I can’t say anything for sure, but I have a few theories why someone might feel better.

It’s important to note, however, that there is no guarantee that you will continue feeling better in the long term. I’m almost certain the feeling will go away quickly, as the gut microbiota changes will affect your health negatively. Scientists can’t even study this diet properly, as it is unethical to conduct a study on a diet that is known to be risky. Here are some reasons why it is highly risky to follow the carnivore diet, especially for longer than a few days.

A young woman feeling concerned about her health

The risks involved

Who absolutely should not try this diet

Chronic illnesses and visiting the doctor

But what about the Inuit?

whale meat drying in Greenland, Inuit traditional diet

What to do instead

If you have IBS, and are seeking a diet that minimizes symptoms, it shouldn't be the carnivore diet. It might not be the low FODMAP diet either. What you need is a balanced, highly individualized diet that takes into account much more than just your gut symptoms, such as your age, gender, background history, habits, skills and so on. This is what dietitians do – they look at your diet from all angles and recommend changes to support your gut health, your overall health and your wellbeing.  

With love,


Anna-Kaisa Manolova sitting on a fence, smiling

PS. If you haven’t yet, download my free “5 Easy Ways to Beat the Bloat” guide packed with actionable tips that you can start applying in your day to day life right away.

PPS. Let’s chat! There is a right IBS diet for you out there. Book your free gut health review now!


  1. LeWine, H. E., What is the carnivore diet? Harvard Health Publishing. 2024. Accessed 11/20/2024 
  2. Eagle, R, medically reviewed by Seitz, A. Carnivore diet: What it is and how to do it. 2020.  https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/carnivore-diet accessed 11/20/2024
  3. Campbell, T. Masai and Inuit High-Protein Diets: A Closer Look. NutritionStudies.org. Accessed 11/20/2024
  4. Fumagalli M, Moltke I, Grarup N, Racimo F, Bjerregaard P, Jørgensen ME, Korneliussen TS, Gerbault P, Skotte L, Linneberg A, Christensen C, Brandslund I, Jørgensen T, Huerta-Sánchez E, Schmidt EB, Pedersen O, Hansen T, Albrechtsen A, Nielsen R. Greenlandic Inuit show genetic signatures of diet and climate adaptation. Science. 2015 Sep 18;349(6254):1343-7. doi: 10.1126/science.aab2319. PMID: 26383953.
  5. Oliphant K, Allen-Vercoe E. Macronutrient metabolism by the human gut microbiome: major fermentation by-products and their impact on host health. Microbiome. 2019 Jun 13;7(1):91. doi: 10.1186/s40168-019-0704-8. PMID: 31196177; PMCID: PMC6567490.

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